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Priscilla & Aquila, Ephesians 5, and the Theology of Marriage

Yeah…there’s that.  Thanks Peter. But!  We’ve moved into the New Testament where marriage becomes a bit more closely aligned with what the average evangelical will affirm:  One Man, one woman. As I wrote yesterday, I find the New Testament couple, Priscilla & Aquila, quite fascinating.  Paul lauded them as leaders in the early house churches… Continue reading Priscilla & Aquila, Ephesians 5, and the Theology of Marriage

Bible · Christianity · Genesis · Jesus · Marriage · Paul · Trump

Biblical Marriage

With the publication of the Nashville Statement, we again wade into the biblical marriage debate.  It’s really gotten me thinking about the supposed proof text of proof texts regarding one man-one woman “traditional marriage.”  That proof text, of course, is Genesis 2:24. Importantly, Jesus quotes this text in both Matthew and Mark (albeit in response… Continue reading Biblical Marriage

Bible · Christianity · Honesty · Interpretation · Jesus

Serious Question for Evangelical Christianity

Where do Jesus’ words, “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing” from Luke 23:34 fit regarding charity among believers who believe different things about how proper Christianity should be lived out and the content a proper Christian should believe?  Is this verse a hint or should it be kept at… Continue reading Serious Question for Evangelical Christianity